What do I do if my caption edits aren’t working?

Because the caption editor is browser based, depending on your browser settings some issues may arise.

Some steps you can take if the captions are properly updating or not:

  • Clear your browser cache. Caption information is stored in your browser cache so I’d recommend clearing your browser cache and restarting the browser to see if the changes take place. Sometimes the cache files take awhile to update or might become corrupted. Similarly, check the video captions in another browser to see if they are updated.
  • Download the caption file after saving an edit. Double check the file itself to see if it has been updated. See how to download captions here: https://macvideo.mcmaster.ca/knowledge-base/exec/how-do-i-download-captions/
    If the caption file itself is updated and clearing your browser cache does not work, try re-uploading that caption file. See how to do that here: https://macvideo.mcmaster.ca/knowledge-base/exec/how-to-upload-captions/
  • Double check that there are no duplicate caption files. If you have multiple people editing captions for your videos, duplicate caption files may be created if there are multiple people editing the same caption file at the same time. Under the Edit > Captions tab you may see multiple caption files. If this is the case, make sure to checkmark the correct caption file by clicking the checkmark icon to set as default and remove the other files not needed.

Sometimes if you leave the caption editor open for too long and don’t save your progress, the session cookies expire in your browser depending on the settings for your browser. This could also cause caption edits to not update properly.

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